The Twelfth Window

October 12, 2008

Chapters 38, 39 and 40 — The Twelfth Window

I know, I know.  As emcee-extraordinaire Rakim would say, “it’s been a long time, I shouldn’ta left you…” .

Lots of personal (good, not bad!) things have been going on this summer, so I took a little sabbatical from posting.  I have returned, and I’ll use the same time to update here as I will be doing to write the sequel to The Twelfth Window.  Before I begin, more shoutouts to Strategic Vision, LLC publicity company.  They are making me put my spiritual money where my spiritual mouth is-most recently I was a guest with Coach & Joel on “The Morning Break Sports Show”, on AM1240 and AM1470 in Chicago.  The subject was “should prayer be legislated in public schools?” .  A spirited conversation was had after being roundly booed about my vicariously supporting the New York Mets baseball team.  Thank you, Coach & Joel, for having me on as a guest!

Chapter 38 begins the series of Lisa’s private meetings with Michael about the events of the past weekend.  I meant it to reflect Israel’s repentance in the Book of Daniel, and of the experience of a faithful Catholic in the confessional booth.  In Chapter 39, now that I look at it, I was being led to warn the reader against scrupulousness.   (Scrupulousness is when you keep confessing sins back-to-back, like spiritual OCD.)  The ending of Chapter 38 clearly shows that things are moving along the right path to reconciliation despite Lisa second-guessing herself and Michael, while Chapter 40 ends with divine assurance that I think every human being needs in order to move further into the only relationship that will ever matter this side of the grave.

It took three chapters for Lisa to move past her lowest point in the story.  Maybe it has to do with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  #38’s forgiveness comes after a chastisement likened unto the Book of Daniel, #39’s comes in the form of a voice only, and #40’s comes in human form, face-to-face, and divine.   Further proof that I had some assistance in writing The Twelfth Window

Next go-around is the beginning of Act IV of the story, where I will lay out chapters 41 through 43.

The Twelfth Window is available for sale on many fine websites including,, and .

P.S>:  I’m on Facebook; I dare you to add me to your friends list!  🙂

July 6, 2008

July 4 Weekend 2008

Good evening/afternoon to all! 

May I just say that if you are an author and you are looking to hire a publicist to generate publicity for your book, you should hire Strategic Vision LLC, based in Atlanta?   Another great publicist is Heather Dyer, based in New England with very thick connections in the Washington, D.C. area among others.  Message me and I’ll get you their information, .

I’d like to take another opportunity to thank (and shout-out) Paul Matthews of KFUO and Keith Tucker of KKNW, two gentlemen who have let me grace their airwaves in the past few weeks.  Paul, I am not going to quit those Bible challenges, I’m ready with a cup of coffee and Scripture!  Keith, you are holding down Hip-Hop for Seattle, big ups for the friend add!

Before I go back into explaining the meaning behind each chapter of The Twelfth Window, I will point out some things that you might not have noticed that I wove into the story.   They are Jewish calendar timelines and numerical symbolism.  Some numerical symbols first:

  • Lisa and her friends make up seven persons; at the end of the story I listed the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit that each friend had all along in the story.
  • The Trinity is shown/allegorized/represented here as the Michael that Lisa and her friends know, the Michael that the angels know, and the mode of presence that Michael has to either the angels or to Lisa and her friends even when he is not directly there.
  • The twelve windows in the places of worship represent the twelve tribes of Israel; the unfinished twelfth window witnesses that Jesus Christ fulfills the Law.

some Scriptural Calendar items hidden:

  • Jesus Christ’s three-year ministry,
  • the space of fifty days between Easter and Pentecost,
  • the use of seasons to mark off time,
  • the year of betrothal as regulated in Judaism 2000 years ago,
  • the main character is a “son” of a “David,”
  • the interior decoration color scheme of the diner is blue and white like the Israeli flag. 

I challenge you to find some other hidden symbols; there are more.  Next time around we will go back to explaining the chapters and their meaning(s). 

As always, you may purchase a copy of The Twelfth Window at,,,, and more. 

Again, a Happy Fourth!

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