The Twelfth Window

April 27, 2008

The Twelfth Window — Chapters 21-27

In a couple more posts, we will be halfway through the book!  Please note that I will be in attendance at the Book Expo in Los Angeles next month.  I’ll be at the Authorhouse booth signing copies of The Twelfth Window during the convention.  The Book Expo is May 28-30, 2008.

More good news:  the April edition of Authorhouse’s newsletter, Voices In Print, has featured The Twelfth Window.  This is nothing less than a God-send, but a shoutout also goes to Chris Skees for writing the article on my book!

So, in chapter 21, I began the insight on the full-blown rebellion and enmity between Lisa Chess and Michael, Lisa Chess and her friends, and the kind of enmity that may have happened with the bad angels and God.  Dormey Tapson evolves in his role as Michael’s best friend and now closest bud, taking Lisa’s place in this.  I meant Dormey here to represent the Old Testament prophets, who continually spoke to the people Israel on God’s behalf.  Lisa Chess, as it were, has chosen an earthly “king” in Monty Ray.  When the human soul turns against God, she is left at enmity with Him in the long run, though He continues to woo her by example, messages and hints.  If he seems further away, it is of the human soul’s doing. 

In Chapter 21 specifically, I used the metaphor of the cutting words to show the supernatural change that occurs when one rejects God.  It also represents the sword that fell upon the house of Israel during the beginning of the Babylonian captivity. 

Chapter 24 is another spiritual insight into the fall of the bad angels.  I think that their struggle was to keep God’s wishes first and foremost at heart, since at that time there may have been no commands. 

By chapter 25, Lisa’s friendships have fallen to the wayside along with her relationship with Michael; in the next chapter she has only one friend on speaking terms and she cannot bring herself to face Michael.

The feelings that Lisa has of abandonment and anger against Michael have been seeded by her.  In her conversation with Michael she tries to put this on him.  At the end of this interview, they reach an agreement–a new kind of relationship much less loving than the one before.  Where has this been seen in Scripture before?… Look at Hebrews 4:7 and Psalm 95:7-8 for what I was trying to get at.

Amanda, who initiated the conversation, does not represent the prophets here; she covers for anyone who is a friend to someone going through a spiritual situation like Lisa Chess’. 

As always, is constantly updated with information on where to purchase a copy of The Twelfth Window.

–JM Norwood


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