The Twelfth Window

November 9, 2008

Chapters 41, 42 and 43 — Act IV

The election is over and like other Americans, my mind and life and time are my own again.  So, let’s plow into the beginning of Act IV, which encompasses Chapters 41, 42 and 43. 

Chapter 41 is inspired by Ezekiel 39:25-26 and John 6:15.  Since the change of seasons were important to the writing of the story, I felt it a good idea to use the spring of my own senior year to convey the feeling of a “home-stretch.”  I’m sure that Jesus’ disciples and supporters felt the same home-stretch feel upon His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  Stronger than a New Year feel.   I counterbalanced the grating and uncomfortable feeling in Act III with the giddiness of the final spring of high school and reconciled love.  Which is why “reconciling with the one you love is its own spring.”

Chapter 42 is, without a doubt, a shadow of the Transfiguration.  Whereas the Transfiguration in the Bible was real, I used this chapter for the story’s heroine to catch a glimpse of what the reader already knows.  Many dreams are a hodge-podge of past events and conversations.  Notice the scene that the declaration takes place in; it’s a place of worship under construction and called a word yet unknown to that world.  I was trying to show that Jesus was building His Church the whole time that He was on earth but the impact on the world was still to-be-seen.  I’d be lying if I left out the reason for Lisa’s reaction being unlike that of the disciples that witnessed the Transfiguration, and it has to do with conversations that I have had with some Jewish people on the subject of Jesus Christ.  Even so, it is declared to her still that something will be done about her nightmares.

Finally, Chapter 43 brings the long-tenuous relationship between Michael and Mr. Chess to a head.  It shows the choice that Lisa makes by the end of the chapter.  She fights both physical illness and mental stress from the conflict and is healed in the end because of her decision.  Our soul is also healed when we decide–even when put on the spot–to choose Jesus.  Ephesians 6:1-4 and Sirach 3:1-6 both make an appearance on page 164 of The Twelfth Window. 

The Twelfth Window would make a great gift this Christmas!  You can purchase it from many places such as,, and more! 

–J.M. Norwood

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