The Twelfth Window

November 16, 2008

Chapter 44 — The Twelfth Window

Good evening all… 

John 16:12, 15 says “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.”   That’s pretty much one of the themes of the rest of the story of The Twelfth Window.  Such a verse stood out to me that there’s a bigger and wider universe of knowledge and existence and love than can be recorded into the Bible.  C.S. Lewis had it right in The Last Battle:  the Bible is just the cover and title page to a beautiful and eternal story.

As I avoid hateration from the parents of my minor readers, the chapter opens when Lisa and her beloved are eighteen.  The first setting is a familiar one to anybody who has graduated high school.  The second takes place in their temple, a scene I carried directly into the story from my own experience of God at Central Synagogue in Manhattan.  If you live in the NYC area, I suggest you visit it and you will see exactly what I mean.  Try to go on a sunny day so you can experience the full effect.

They told us in Sunday School that if you are good, you will go to Heaven when you die.  However, there are precious little details on Heaven but most of the descriptions of Heaven come directly from Our Lord.   We have committed to Jesus by baptism and/or a confirmation ceremony, and we’re told to look forward to His return.  As has been taught for centuries, Christ is going to return for His Bride (the Church or Israel, depending who you are) and so I thought it important to weave the eschatological with the romantic in The Twelfth Window.  When you get to the end of the book it will all make sense, just like the end of the book called Earth will make sense when we get to the end. 

(John 16:16, John 16:6 and Hosea 2:19-20 also play a central role in the book to this acceptance of a deeper commitment.  I drew Lisa’s acceptance from Luke 1:46-55).

Next blog, I will cover Chapters 45, 46, and 47.  This means we are getting real close to Chapter 50, which closes out the gang’s high school years and brings the story into the final Act V.

The Twelfth Window is available for purchase on,,, and other fine places that sell books online!

–J.M. Norwood

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